A man of my own heart!
I write letters too. In 2013 the church included me in their "Human Apostate" talk that went around the world [was subject of newspaper article in the Netherlands which stated it was "hate speech" in violation of statute resulting from actions of Adolf Hitler] alerting the people of a new apostate tactic of writing letters to the publishers homes. Basically I was plugging into church "grape vine" to penetrate the "shunning wall" to fuck with peoples minds. Worked good.
There are literally hundreds of those letters, of which they are all alike; in that they deal with a Watchtower deception in the Sept.1 1987 Wt. article "A Time to Speak When?", A swindler and local elder cowards who were terrified of "wolves" Acts 20: 29,30.
Those letters had the power to give a elder a heart attack. The church concealed a court case of the swindler defrauding another widow the "Service Dept." sent scripted instructions just like "Ray Franz" scripted disfellowshipping instructions. The "appeals committee" did a good job at keeping that case secret. But when I hired a privet investigator who uncovered that case I taped it the the KH doors on 12-26-07 and on 12-31-07 the elder who said "that if a scandal occurs as the result of criminal investigations then it is the Society's problem, they made their bed they can law in it!", had a heart attack. The fire man who responded was my son who told me that man had real fear in his eyes looking back thru the oxygen mask as he not only was confronted by the man who was hunting him down thru letters to the publishers homes as being a coward but also the person giving him oxygen and cpr was the kid he tried to get suck his penis.
If you want to read the story go to my original post on this site.
More importantly if you are interested understanding the 2013 RNWT revision of Lev.5:1 go to Barbara Anderson's essay "Flawed Decrees Conceal Criminals". Be advised Barbara has concealed her source of enlightenment, she said she did not want to detract from her message. As of my letter writing, when she learned i was from the same area as the Red Bluff molester Henderson, she asked if per chance i was the letter writer in northern California who wrote the most vile and disgusting letters of anyone in the nation of whom she was aware of when she was in Bethel. I said she had a BINGO. Those letters started in 1990 aimed at Merton Campbell [who's name I learned from Barbara] who charged a swindler to investigate himself, I called him a "servant on a horse" Eccl. 10: 7 for fucking up a $4.250.000 unregistered securities swindle.
I want to be very clear! Barbara Anderson is a GIANT in the area of molestation's! But according to Randal Watters she will use people for her own advancement then cut them off and let them twist in the breeze. I agree. Barbara's ego prevented her from seeing the real importance of the church's cloaking the 2013 RNWT revision of Lev.5:1 in secrecy. Barbara made her essay fit around her agenda of molestation's. What she was unwilling to listen to was how it connected with the blood transfusion policy. She saw that the Sept.1 1987 article "A Time to Speak When?" was a pure deception, in reality the church was fabricating a hunting license to ferret out the "new emerging enemy, the Apostate". She didn't see anything beyond her agenda of molestation's.
1975 was a real non event!!!. 1980-83 was a period of if you wanted 'new light' go study the Bible your self, the church was out of ideas. It was 1984 when the "obedience to the Organization mantra" was started for the reason there was no one in the Governing Body with a Fred Franz fertile mind to carry on a narrative Matt.24:34. Their only option was to shut down the minds of their followers and create a brand new enemy, the Apostate! If you can wrap your mind around that concept then you can see the motivation of creating a means of hunting down any opposition by creating a "Gestapo" informant policy. And vise a versa, if you can see the Lev.5:1 informant policy then you can see Matt.24: 48-51.
Major problem! In order to create a 'Gestapo' informant policy they had to twist Lev.5:1. Read Barbara Anderson's essay "Flawed Decrees Conceal Criminals" also go to Bible Hub commentary on Lev.5:1, to understand how accurately the church got the revision of the 2013 RNWT of Lev. 5:1. Here is the problem. The informant policy was fabricated on a deception, stand that policy next to the blood transfusion policy, now you have some sort of degree of murder!
So the legal/ moral/ ethical question is; if a church has a policy that requires forfeiture of human life, which is enforced through disfellowshipping and shunning, what requirement does the church have in transparency to reveal that they use deception to fabricate policy? Get that to the media the church is dead meat.
This is what Barbara was unwilling to understand. Why did the WTB&TS cloak their very scholarly revision of Lev.5:1 in secrecy? To give a real talk on real "new light" would reveal their deception. Which would put them out of business! To understand the Sept.1 1987 article "A Time to Speak When?" is to understand Matt.24: 48-51. Tony Morris is no Fred Franz, there is nobody on the Governing Body able to spin a narrative to get around the demise of Matt.24:34. Their only option was to shut down minds by their "obedience to the Organization mantra" they started in 1984. They created a new enemy the apostate and a way to ferret out anyone questioning their authority and create a new policy of shunning to enforce their wicked and evil schemes.
But they fucked up when they revised their Bible in 2013.
Like the prison warden in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" he said "you write your letters". And when I get done with this post I will write mine. Last week I sent a letter I wrote to a Jewish Rabbinical University in response to the Pennsylvania molestation news, the Colorado KH search warrant, the Calif. KH search warrant, the Finland shunning news, to the Redding area church 'grape vine'. Ever since the Tony Morris YouTube whiskey appeared I have been on the ass of 'cowardly elders' to apply pressure.
One thing that needs to be understood is; a church elder never tells the WTB&TS to go fuck themselves, because they are afraid of "wolves" Acts 20: 29,30! Realize that when the church went to the "obedience to the organization mantra" they became blind as regard to their traveling men selling the Word of God" to a swindler by "simony" and acceptance of bribes Isa.1 23. To publicly humiliate the GB as to their deception of Lev.5:1 is to create a enraged GB of which those elders who with held information of criminal investigation of a swindler, is to create a pressure situation the heart of a coward would not survive! Do that then the GB losses all control. The media will eat them alive!
You write your letters, don't expect to open any eyes. If you were in California I would say to focus your eyes on AB218 and November/ December 2023 when the Anderson/ Zalkin law suites are to be filed. You should get some traction then. I will write mine. If I succeed in bumping off a few cowards, I am sure there is someone on this site that can attest to how successful i can duplicate the demise of a coward on 12-31-2007.
Oh be aware of what "pearls" you share on this site Matt. 7:6.